Friday, June 14, 2013

Have a little faith that things will turn out for the best

Sometimes you just got to believe that for some reason things always do eventually turn out for the best.

Give it time.

At first you try and control everything to go in a way that you think you know it should. And when it doesn't you lose faith in things, in people and in yourself. You feel defeated, rejected and like a loser. And that is a terrible place to be in.

I reckon there are times you can do your part, and if it doesn't turn out the way you want then let it be. Let go of control, of expectations, and just believe in God and the universe to lead it to what it should be for the good of all. This doesn't mean giving up or being weak, on the contrary it just means you know when to shift your focus and energy on things that will benefit you.

I know this sounds like some mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science thinking but seriously it works, well at least for me. When things are out of your hands, nothing you do will really matter. And it is pointless if all it does is to make you feel crappy and stressed, and affects other people and your life in general.

Life is way too precious to dwell on things you can't control. Everything is in your mind, you change your perception of things if that allows you some peace. We all could do with some peace.

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