Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 in retrospective - part 1

Another two more days to the year-end and the start of 2016. I feel grateful that I'm still here, tho I'm still undergoing Herceptin treatment till February, I feel almost back to normal, with some bone-ache and the pesky issue of  frozen shoulder -- all small matter compared to what I have already battled last year.

I always look back at the year in retrospective during this time of the year, -- what have I gone through that has made me change for the better or worse, which I accept is part of my journey and growth. 

I've been very gentle on my shortcomings, and loving myself more. Sounds pretty weird but nobody is gonna love you like you love yourself. Bahahaha. I've heard it repeatedly for the past few years that I have come to believe that we have got to start loving ourselves, forgiving ourselves and accepting ourselves and be at peace within. It starts with us. 

All that matters is love. Love yourself, love others, love more.
Be humble, grateful. Do good. Be kind, generous. Emphatize.
Family matters. Make time for your loved ones always. 

Most times we are so pre-occupied with ourselves and our issues that we forget that others have their battles to deal with that we may not even be aware of whether it's concerning their health, career or relationships. So I've tried to be a good friend to those in need yet at the same time drawing the line as to not get emotionally caught up in their lives. 

I've been very honest to some who ask me for my advice yet this had gotten me into trouble as apparently people do not like to hear an honest viewpoint from you, instead if you sugarcoat things to make them feel better then they accept you more. So now I know that. I try to stay away from these people as my honesty is what makes me me. One less friend to deal with:)

I have also learned that not all close friends are really true friends. Which leads me to a heartbreak I had this year. One of my best friends who went on a holiday with me actually stole my wedding ring from the safe deposit box in the hotel room. Of course she denies it but I know better, coz only she and I knew the password to the safe. 

To me, it wasn't about the ring but the fact that she picked that ring to hurt me and affect my relationship with my husband. She was defensive and had a nonchalant attitude about the whole ring issue, which is so out of character for her.  If I had listened to the police officer maybe she would now be in jail in a foreign land. I've always helped her and I believe I have been a true friend to her and it just broke my heart that she hated me so much to stoop to doing that to me. I can't think of any reason. If it was money she could have asked me for it. Money you can earn but betrayal of a 15-year friendship is one that makes you wonder as to why people do the things they do.  

One good friend gone but I have met a few new ones this year who have added meaning to my life. 
One understands my every battle over the recent tragedies I have undergone, and chooses to highlight the positive traits and strength that he sees in me, which in turn has made me feel special and want to get healthy once more to do all that I know I'm capable of. I need to have a goal to look forward to. 

Another new friend I  met this year who is  more attuned to healing works, has been guiding me on how to heal myself within so the cancer can be in remission. It's strange how the universe works in bringing people in your life and then removing those that no longer play a part in your life. So many lessons learnt along the way. Even the bad relationships teach you something good.

I have observed how some people forget that life is short and that you must make the most of it now. They work very hard, save a lot for the future, and in the process have made money the commodity that drives them forgetting that all that money is gonna be left behind when they die. 

Save sufficient for the future, yes, but not scrimp on those you love and on yourselves, so you can have the millions in your account,.. coz we all know that it will never be enough for the money hungry people. The richer you are, the more stingy you are! I have met people who haven't got much but they are so generous with others. And to me, that says so much that those who are calculative; I dont care if you have a few millions in your growing bank account but in my eyes you are poor in all that matters.

I am not perfect, never was and never will be, but I hope I inspire someone to think about stuff that they may have forgotten or taken for granted.

To all my readers, I wish you a happy and healthy new year! Go live life and be happy!
And thank you for your prayers and support:)

Friday, October 09, 2015

Pink October, I hate pink!

It's October once again, that month where I look down at my boobs and remember how they used to be, and the hell I've gone through that affects all things that make me feel feminine. (Screw what the feminists say). 

Hair, skin, nails and your mojo are all put to the test. Forced menopause, hot flashes, stunted hair growth, lost of confidence, uncontrollable weight gain, mood swings --it's mental and it's real. 

"But you're lucky to be alive?" 
Me: "Oh shut up already!
Wanna swap places?"

And when you see me, please don't ask me why I cut my hair so short. I didn't. Cancer made me bald and the hair you see now is my baby steps victory over cancer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I want it so badly, I just gotta have it!

Have you ever wanted something so badly you would beg, borrow or steal for it?

 I saw fashionistas around the globe carry it; in all the different gorgeous colours. It looked so good teamed up with their outfits of the day (OOTD). It was sold out, everywhere. The website would sell out all the bags within the day it was available online.

I was on the waiting list, but they only informed you a few days in advance when the bag is gonna be in stock. And each time it was I would log on, and those bags would all be gone in a jiffy. I was frustrated and all the more I wanted this iconic crazy bucket bag that was not within my grasp.

Sounds familiar to you?

So I put word out that I was looking for this bag. And one day, a personal shopper who has friends in Italy managed to get this bucket bag for me. Bucket bags were all the rage, in fact they are still very much in demand.

I waited so many months for this bag and was so excited to finally own it. I love bags, well-made ones with good leather. Workmanship, design and aesthetics were important to me. Sometimes I liked stuff nobody did but who cares as long as I loved them.

So the seller was over an hour late due to an accident on the highway. That tested my patience as I was early for the meeting but I was still cool as I was finally gonna meet this gorgeous baby. It came in a big box and I had to literally carry it like a baby to my car.

Once home I opened the box, and took in the smell of the leather, felt it, looked at the design and the amount of work that went into making this much sought-after bag. It's amazing that all this time I've heard praises of how great this bag is, but somehow this bag was a let down for me. My heart didn't skip a beat when I saw it in person. I have high expectations, probably.

It doesn't compare to my Celine, Chanel, or Givenchy, not even close to LV, but at that price point of course it's on a different category all together. But still, it wasn't cheap.

This reminds me so much of an incident that happened when I was 18 years old. In those days there was only the landline telephone at home. I had spent weeks talking for hours on the phone to a guy. Then one day he asked me out on a date.

I agreed to go, though, believe it or not I was a shy girl back then who never went out dating. So it was like one of my first few dates ever with a guy. My mom even encouraged me to go out and meet this boy. I was homely and studious, and did crochet all day. I even baked cookies and cakes then.

To cut a long story short, when I did see this guy from afar, he was not good looking, and not what I always imagined him to look like (his fabulous voice didn't match his face, dammit!), so I ran away from the place before he had the chance to spot me in the crowd.

I didn't even wait for the bus, instead jumped into a taxi and came home. Till today I remember his name -- Fabian.  I was ashamed of myself, and I can't believe I did that.

My mom scolded me but my siblings thought it was hilarious yet also mean of me. Back in those days I chose looks over substance, (not that I'm good looking or anything) and that was my weakness. My heart literally sunk when I met this guy, the same way it sunk when I met this handbag.

Although I didn't really fancy this bag, I carried it, just to see if the leather would soften and if I could eventually fall in love with it. You know, akin to a girl meeting a boy she isn't lusting after -- but as the days go by she falls in love with the boy.

But nah, that didn't happen with this bag. So I've put word out on my IG that I'm selling my bucket bag. We're just not meant for each other. 

Anyone wants?

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

10 things to be happy about today

I have to admit I have been rather anti-social some time back and I have politely refused to meet up with friends who wanted to visit me. While I do enjoy the perks that come with having cancer, I'm getting tired to be talking about cancer. And friends though they mean well, have no idea that I do not want to discuss my cancer; whether I'm doing ok or if the cancer is gone,etc. Hence one of  the reasons for this blog so people I know get the information I wanna share about my health right here.

Anyway I have started to see friends again. And to my surprise, they have asked me very little about cancer. We talked about everything else. And it feels that my world is getting back to normal after all. 

So today, after my daily morning walk, I felt really happy and in a good place. I pondered on what made me happy today. Here goes:

1. I'm alive. Despite a little body and bone ache, I feel great. My skin is returning to a healthy colour and I don't look grey anymore. My hair is growing, slowly but surely. I'm regaining my strength.

2. I have a great family. A crazy hubby who has a good heart and is very generous with me. A daughter who is growing up too soon but has progressed so well through the years. My dad who is awesome and visits me weekly. My siblings who are always there for me.

3. I have loads of wonderful friends. I have started to meet up with them and will continue to do so. Maybe they hate to talk about my cancer too as it can't be easy saying the right things to a person who has been through an illness.

4. I can work when and if I want to. No pressure or stress. Just focus on getting healthy again.

5. I have the time to catch up on my reading and writing, and to start studying any subject that interests me. I can even go back to starting a hobby like painting.

6. I'm half way through my Herceptin treatments, and can't wait for it to be over so I don't have to visit the hospital every 3 weeks.

7. Online shopping. I can't seem to get enough of exploring all the e-stores out there. Love it!

8. Marathon movie-watching sessions on Netflix.

9. I love hanging out at home. There are days where I can stay in and not bother to step out at all. All I need is at home.

10. My time alone makes me happy. I have so much to work within myself. As we know, happiness is an inside job!

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Post-chemo thoughts

I haven't been posting anything for a bit now.  It's not that I haven't had anything to say but I was simply too busy to really have the time to sit down and pen my thoughts. Plus I've been lazy. I have much to say when I'm down in the doldrums or deliriously happy instead of in a plain normal mode.

I've been travelling a lot these past 2 months -- to Europe and the States but that deserves another post with pictures, of course. * Hint, I visited Niagara Falls coz it was on my bucket list.

Post-chemo time is great in so many ways. You suddenly feel free to jump back into the pace of  your daily life, instead of feeling and looking sick, then counting the days before you feel better and ready for your next chemo.  Well, I still have to continue my Herceptin treatments every 3 weeks but there is no side effects from it. So basically apart from getting healthy again, I have nothing much to stress over. Just eat healthy, exercise and do nothing that annoys me. 

If only it was that simple. 

I'm lucky that I can take my time to get back to the daily routine of life. You can never jump back in to daily routine, more of easing your way in. And things do seem the same, yet different. Every morning instead of drinking coffee first I now make my own vegetable juice and have it instead.

When it comes to work, well, I'm working freelance and that means I get to choose which projects I want to work on. I also have my handbag business to concentrate on but it's nothing too major that will stress me out. That's good as we all  know that stress is not good for cancer.

I'm so happy that I have the freedom to do as I please as I'm still having a delayed reaction to having cancer. It's been nearly a year that I had been admitted to the hospital and had undergone the whole range of treatments. My mind can't seem to focus on anything else. All I think is how do I build my immune system, what type of exercises should I do, what kind of juice and diet do I need and if I could ever afford organice vegetables and fruits to help me lead a healhty life?

My biggest fear is wondering if all the treatments that I have endured had successfully killed all my active cancer cells? Am I in remission? I will only know this when I do my check-up in early July, a month from now. 

There will always be this fear in me because like I've said before, I can do my part to fight the cancer but the rest is out of my hands. I have the best medical treatments, fab doctors and great support system (except for a few bad apples), and yet I really can't be sure that I will be around for the next 5 or 10 years to see my daughter graduate? And that's a gloomy outlook even for someone who has until now had a positive attitude in dealing with my cancer.

It will always be on my mind, once you have cancer it stays with you just like herpes. Only thing is that herpes doesn't kill you. I have had nights where I have woken up panicking thinking that the cancer is back and I'm gonna die. I even have to tell myself that death aint that bad, so calm down and breathe. I just hate to live in fear. The unknown. 

My friends tell me that they admire my strength in undergoing what I have but some days I feel weak. I'm so tired. Tired of the battle. Tired of being strong. Tired of the whole cancer stuff.   

Travelling helps me forget what I'm going through and to just enjoy new places and new experiences, but it is always at the back of my mind.

No matter how postive I am on my good days, thoughts of cancer returning never really leave my mind. Today, I wish I never had cancer! It has scarred me -- mentally, physically, emotionally.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The growing shopping list not grocery list

New season, Spring/Summer 2015, and new clothes, shoes and bags are churned out by designers. My favourite time of course, if I could get them all which is not possible as I have a huge appetite for beautiful stuff. Some are to- die- for and my list keeps growing ...

Fancy anything listed?

Chanel Chevron Flap Bag

Chiara Ferragni

Chiara Ferragni

Valentino Rock Stud Tote
Chiara Ferragni

Triangl Colour Block Bikini

Mansur Gavriel

Jimmy Choo

Charlotte Olympia Kitty fringed leather pouch

 Valentino Rock Studs
Givenchy Print Iphone 6

Friday, March 20, 2015

I got my eye on you -- Valentino SS15 Bags

Valentino rock stud bags and shoes have caught my eyes these past few months. I spend a lot of time poring over online sites looking at beautiful bags. I call it my favourite pastime, and very therapeutic too as I fill my hours with beautiful objects of my desire. 

I had the chance to touch, feel and carry Valentino bags when I was in London recently. It's one thing to see it online but nothing beats seeing it in person, I guess the same goes for internet romance. After all the chat, and endless hours of looking from afar, you wanna meet in the flesh.

I was not disappointed. Now I'm obsessed with getting my hands on one of these babies. The thing is I can't seem to pick one. Love them all.  

Friday, March 06, 2015

Damn you cancer

I've been having a rough time these few days. Firstly, I came back from my first proper vacation which coincided with my birthday, so I'm blaming part of it on post-holiday blues. The other part would be that my whole body is aching, God knows if it's from the cold weather in London and Brussels, or from all the chemo drugs, and now radiotherapy.

I had so many story ideas, and I had wanted to update my blog but I've just been having foggy brains, and couple that with fatigue, I just lay in bed mostly, doing nothing. I forget stuff that I want to buy. I forget dates, days, names. It can be so frustrating at times, so I've just have had to write everything down in my Moleskine. Gosh it sucks being stupid and blur, and many seconds too slow. I used to frown upon people like these, and voila, I'm one now. Karma is a bitch.

I just started radiotherapy. I've had 4 sessions out of the 20 I need. Going to hospital daily for 5 minutes of radio is a pain in the neck. I drive myself to hospital, valet for RM12, and out of there in less than half an hour. It takes longer to get ready than to actually do the treatment.

I am starting to sound and feel pretty anxious. Am I on the road to a meltdown? I've been doing so well all this time. Well, it's no fun going to the hospital and seeing sick people daily. Most have visible burn marks from the radiation; two of whom I saw was on their necks. I think that shook me up quite a bit.

So far I have not had any burnt marks. Too early, says my oncologist. Probably in 2 weeks' time, depending on my skin -- I might feel some discomfort. So for now I just need to avoid soap around the affected area when I shower; no perfume or deodorant too.

I also need to exercise the affected arm as they reckon I would feel sore and feel some tightness, which I have already experienced.

I saw my oncologist today as I had my second chemo maintenance treatment of Herceptin. That took 2 hours from beginning to end. So all in I was in the hospital for 5 hours today. To do Herceptin followed by radio is really a double whammy. I feel irritated, due to the bone ache, and also interrupted sleep I've experienced for the past few nights.

I wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes. I'm perspiring and my body feels like it's engulfed in flames. Not a nice feeling considering I haven't even started Tamoxifen, the hormone pill I need to take for the next 5 to 10 years. It is getting a lot more depressing with all the side effects that are slowly popping up. 

My doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills and also sleeping pills. I'm gonna pop some and hit the sack now.

Good nite folks. I can feel my brain shutting down. Knackered. May tomorrow be a better day for me and all those battling cancer and know what I'm going through. For those of you who are healthy, be thankful and go enjoy yourselves to the max! Don't worry about silly stuff like a bad hair day or fat thighs, all these are so trivial when you have your health.

P.S  I managed to throw in an hour or so poring over beautiful handbags and shoes online. I think I hit me a nice handbag. That saved my day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What cancer has taught me (Part 2)

I've always been impatient be it waiting in line at the post-office or waiting to see a doctor. However after being in and out of hospital over the span of more than six months, I have learnt to be patient. Because no matter who you are, when you are undergoing chemo, you have to go through so many procedures prior to getting the go ahead from your oncologist to do your treatment on chemo day.

You will deal with so many people from the nurse taking your blood sample to the receptionist handling your insurance details, and you need patience to get you through it all. Each treatment day can drag on to up to 6 hours from the moment you step into the chemo ward till the time you walk out of the hospital.

I usually prefer to go alone as I don't relish the idea of another person waiting that long with me. Of course, my sweet hubby insists on accompanying me whenever he is in town.

I also realized that I'm more patient when I'm stuck in a traffic jam or if another driver is annoying the hell out of me. I simply ignore it all, and turn up the music in the car and move like a crazy driver. Music can certainly change your mood for the better.

Cancer has certainly thought me to forget my vanity. There is no room for that.

My skin changed, albeit temporary, to a dullish grey tone from all the medication that I'm taking. I've gone bald. My nails have discoloured. My boobs that I was quite proud of as I could go braless anytime, have changed due to my lumpectomy. In spite of these physical changes, I have just accepted them and done all I can to make myself feel and look nice.

I bought wigs, scarves, hats and caps, wore makeup and simply dressed-up to face each day. It wasn't easy at first but going through what I have, these are so small issues to deal with.

I was so afraid that my hubby would not find me attactive and desirable anymore. But I was wrong, he stood by me through it all, in fact he teased me about my baldness and sent me picture messages of E.T and Gollum and said I looked like them. Laughter and humour kept things going between us.
Also the nature of his job was a blessing as he didn't get to see me when I was in the doldrums.

There were days that I felt and asked myself 'why me' -- when I'm the kind of person who is drawn to physical beauty. Why had I to get cancer? And now more than before I know that people are more than that.

You can be loved for what's inside of you coz beauty fades over time but kindness, generosity, empathy, honesty, integrity, warmth and sincerity are what matter in a person. Every one is beautiful in their own way but true beauty emanates from within. When you are beautiful inside you shine on the outside.


Monday, February 09, 2015

What cancer has taught me (Part 1)

I've read somewhere that God doesn't put you in situations which he thinks you can't handle. So my guess is he thinks I can handle cancer and whatever effects it has on me and the people I care about.
You see when you have cancer it is not just you dealing with it. It affects your spouse, kids, parents and siblings and your close friends.........even your Instagram and facebook friends.

Some of these people stay by your side, and some just get lost. Cancer has taught me who my real friends are. Also how people cope when you are ill. Some things they do disappoint you, some makes you cry and some just don't matter.

You learn along your journey that no matter what, you have your family to care for you. Family is important; so do your best to make time for them and their needs too. I guess I learnt to not just think that the world revolves around me, and to listen to other people's issues and how I could offer my two cents worth.

These past few months I have learnt to trust my instincts and to block off things that were stressing me. I truly believe that what you don't know doesn't hurt you. So I have stopped wasting my time finding fault or should I say looking for fault. Being ill just opens up your eyes that so many of these issues are not important anymore.

I learnt to shut one eye, and in doing that to find peace and joy that I have seldom experienced in the past. I always felt I was at sea on a stormy day and I had to do all I could to battle the weather just to stay alive. I was always alone. Now all I visualize is blue skies, calm azure crystal clear water and me floating at sea without any worry or fear. Just bliss.

I've been in so many different careers in my lifetime from being a PR consultant, writer for a magazine, copywriter in an ad agency, aromatherapist, maternity fashion designer to a boutique owner, and cancer has taught me to look back and reassess what form of occupation actually satisfied my soul. The kind that brings out the passion in you so much so that working is pleasurable and not considered working at all. To quote Confucius, "choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." Making money while you do so is a bonus.

I found that my love for fashion exceeded everything else. I love beautiful bags, shoes, accessories and other stuff that a fashionable woman would want in her life. To some this is so superficial, but that's me. In fact, having cancer and being confined to your home can make so many people depress. But I turned to fashion and beautiful things to fill my days with sunshine. I spent my days reading about anything to do with fashion, mainly bags and shoes. And voila, I started a little business in trading with pre-loved and new bags. This has kept me going, and filled my mind and thoughts with fashion instead of worrying about cancer and my treatments. I have a few friends who share the same interest with me and we spend many hours discussing about bags, lol.

I love the hashtag #shallowlikethat when referring to this obsession about bags and shoes.

I'm looking forward to finish my treatments and get ready to conquer the world -- big shopping cities and to be the personal shopper for people who can't travel overseas and buy things for themselves.
It's my ultimate dream job!

To end the first part of this post, I would like to add something that I never quite knew about myself that is ............... I am strong. I've heard people tell me that but seriously aren't we all strong when faced with a matter of life and death, and when you don't have a choice in that matter but to fight with all your might. I saw that fighting spirit in my mom when she was battling cancer, and apparently I have that in me too. I bloody hell feel strong, and I'm battling cancer in my own way! Watch out cancer you messed with the wrong person!

Sunday, February 08, 2015

When someone or something makes you unhappy, what can you do?

Last Friday evening, I found myself losing my cool over something that someone said and I hated feeling so angry inside. I knew I had to take control of my feelings and how I was reacting to the situation that I was in.

I stumbled upon this advice, at the perfect timing, something by Eckhart Tolle. I realized that I was indeed bitching about things and I felt like I was treated unfairly, like a victim. 

So what I did was to change my reaction to the situation. I just accepted that some people no matter what, was never going to change and that whatever they did to you was not about you but them. 

To get myself to cool down, I just accepted that person as he is. A selfish guy who didn't care about me and my situation. He was selfish with me. 

But he wasn't selfish towards his new wife and kids. So I guess, he is not selfish in general but only selfish to me. And the moment I accepted it, and removed myself from being the victim, and I felt so much better like a burden had offloaded from my chest. 

I was happy, the ones I love seeing I was feeling better within, felt more relaxed too and all was well once again.

I feel that the old me, before breast cancer, would have fought back. The new me, have taken control of things, changed my perception of so many stuff, learnt to let go coz you know what? These little things are unimportant. My inner peace and joy are my priority now. 

My first short getaway

I finished my chemo treatments, well at least what I call the first phase of it on January 23. I told my oncologist I needed to get away for a breather as I had been stuck at home for the last 6 months.

To my surprise he agreed that it was fine for me to go away. He packed me with the necessary medications just in case I had a flu or fever while I was away. 

I left for Doha and then two nights in Bahrain, and back to KL within a week. It was fantastic to simply forget about treatments, hospitals, chemo drugs. I even forgot I was being treated for cancer.

I enjoyed that getaway with my hubby, and here are some of the moments that we captured. 

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Cancer friends

When you have cancer, you kinda relate to those who have cancer, or have been there before. You become instant friends due to the inherent understanding you have of each others' condition, emotions and most importantly, fear.

You see that same look in their eyes, the ones that stare back at you each time you look in your own mirror. Eyes that tell a story. Mostly from fear. Fear if our bodies can undergo chemo, fear if the cancer will ever return and fear at our own helplessness when dealing with something that has a mind of its own.

Every time I go for my chemo I meet new ladies; all waiting to see the same oncologist. Since we sometimes have to wait for a long time, we do chat with one another, and the topics always revolve around each others' diagnosis, cause for the cancer, treatments, medical charges and what each of us are doing to fight cancer.

I met this particular cancer patient yesterday; this is the second time I'm meeting her. She is in her sixties, and from Indonesia (she is seeking treatment in Kuala Lumpur), and had her final maintenance treatment for Herceptin yesterday. She asked me a lot of questions about diet and nutrition for cancer. 
if you love fruits, go for these
She had many friends and family members that advised her to eat certain kinds of food. And she asked me if I was on any diet. I had my fair share of unsolicited advice from people who meant well, but seriously, the only advice I'm listening to are the ones from my doctors, cancer survivors and researches that are scientically proven.

I know diet and nutrition play an important role in healing from cancer, but I also know there are other factors that contribute to cancer. Recently I even read an article that say it's just plain bad luck that we get cancer. Yeah, and I do believe so, because you can have no history of family cancer, be an exercise freak, eat healthy food diligently, dont smoke or consume alcohol, and still have cancer!

I felt so sorry for this cancer friend and asked her if she was happy with her food and lifestyle. She said no. She was so fed up with boiled vegetables, no meat, no egg, no milk kinda diet; the list just seemed endless and ridiculous to me.

when I feel like it I
 eat my favourite scallop dish 
She asked me for my advice, and I told her, if it wasn't making her happy then what was the use of having to live if we were sad and not enjoying ourselves. Cancer changes you in so many ways, but one thing for sure is that it teaches you to seize the day, and be happy. And you can't do that if you keep worrying if you should be eating a mouthful of ice-cream and if you did, would that make your cancer return!

 Everything in moderation is my motto for now.

And when it was her turn to see the doctor, I wished her well, and hope to be bumping into her during her follow-up visits. I just hope she relaxes and enjoys her life.

She mentioned that each visit was costing her RM11,000 and that cancer was a lifelong battle. The worry never ends even when you have no evidence of disease or N.E.D. Arghhhh I never quite thought of it that way.