Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Why I went missing

Hey you all! I took a long break from blogging, simply because I wanted to get my life back in order.
I wanted to experience all that had been happening to me in all its glory. Feel the pain, go with the flow of daily life and see which path it takes me!

I've emerged. I've thrived!

Gosh, I did a lot of soul-searching, reading, studying, exercising, and making time for hobbies such as bachata and ukulele -- things that brought me joy. During this time I really got to know myself once again. What were important to me such as my family, and my happiness and wellbeing, became my priority.

I reduced socialising and kept my friends' circle small as I had used most of my time to start on my e-commerce business. I felt I needed a focus in life and didn't want my break-up and cancer to play the main roles anymore. I went for digital marketing masterminds in Bali, and actually just got back from one last week. More about that on a later post. I still love traveling, but not as much. Bali, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand and cities within Malaysia were the places I had visited over the many months I have been quiet.

It's strange how fast time had flown by when you re-focus your energy on plans and goals that you set. Time wasters were knocked aside, and forgotten.  I forgot about breast cancer. I forgot about my break-up. I forgot about the abuse.

The mind is very strong. If you think you can, you can! And with a little bit of time, anything is possible. Despair turns into hope, betrayal turns into acceptance, hate turns into forgiveness. Anything is possible if you so want it to be.

Till later! Love from me.

Bali, March 7, 2018.

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful, very wonderful to hear that.. Sounds like life has become more complete :)
