Thursday, May 16, 2013

I lost my perfect vision on my 40th birthday, I swear

I woke up a day after my 40th birthday, and my vision was blur.

Before this I had perfect vision.

I rubbed my eyes, and things looked blur. It wasn't so obvious at first, but as the weeks when by, I was straining my eyes to read the newspapers in the morning. And it sure was a struggle to read the text messages on my Iphone. I had to increase the font size, better still squint my eyes, and that formed small tiny lines on my forehead. Heaven forbid!

Anyway, that's the first tell-tale sign that a lady is in her forties (as you know it is quite difficult to guess an Asian ladies age).She has her reading glasses on, or she is caught squinting her eyes while reading her text messages and food menu.

I had my eyes checked and welcomed reading glasses into my life.

Since I only need glasses for reading, it can be a little of a chore to slip them on when you need them and off again post-reading. And as time passes by I know my vision is just gonna deteriorate. So whenever I'm in front of the computer or reading I take a break every half an hour or so to relax my eyes, hoping this helps.

Well, this is all part of moving along in life, I so hate the word growing old or ageing. Sounds like I'm on my way out.

I still have lots on my bucket list before I kick the bucket I want to be able to complete every darn item on it.

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