I've travelled 3 times this year, to Perth, Bangkok, Athens and Santorini, and would like to share some stuff that I've encountered in these wonderful places.
In the pipeline, is a few writing projects that I've been stalling for the longest time. It's now or never.
I've read countless times before that you just have to start, don't wait for the perfect moment or the perfect words, just start.
So to get me in the mode of moving my ass and stop procrastinating, I've decided to challenge my dreamy self to write a blog entry on a daily basis for 30 days. Yeah daily for a month!
Today is the first day, and I already have a bunch of topics that I want to write and share here. So yes, I'm excited about it, and will make time from my non-existent career or social life to sit and pen my thoughts.
Follow me on this 30 days journey; I will write freely on things on my mind, from my past and stuff I encounter daily that got me thinking ... when you think, you react, you change and let's hope it's for the better!
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